"Blind fools"....I love that line from Jesus Christ Superstar...OK, that dates me, but what you have in the above image is a fools circle. If you have faith, you don't need a "Bible" and just having a "Bible" does not create faith. IF "god" is all powerful, all knowing and all loving, why does this "god" need a published document? Why does this "god" demand from inferiors such worship and groveling in fear and awe? Why does this "god" worry about sexual acts amongst it's created beings? Why would this "god" send its own creation to an eternal fiery place of pain and suffering because they don't believe? Substitute the word Koran for Bible in the above diagram and you are a Muslim Fundamentalist, aka terrorist. Are they going to the fiery place of pain and suffering because they follow their word of "god"?
Do you start to see the silliness in this yet? If you believe, and I do believe, in a "god", then what type of "god" is it? What all powerful being, who controls all life in its mind, NEEDS to be worshiped and praised? Does not this "god" know itself to be what it is? Is not self knowledge the first step in real knowledge? Why does "god" have to create creatures to bow before itself? Does an ALL POWERFUL "god" have to have minions (and in some cases millions of dollars) to tell others about itself and its power and might? What "god" do you believe in?
I am sorry if I offend you. If I offend you...move on..it's my blog, my ideas.
Oh, why do I use the word "god" in quotes and lower case, because I am using it as a noun, not as a proper name, so that it is applicable to any god you may believe, even if it is the god of absence. For anything that you place belief in, that becomes your god. Your life starts to center around the belief system and your behavior becomes your worship and ritual. By the way, I am writing a book, it is infallible because I say so, and well...you get the idea..I hope.