Ah..yes this is the season to walk the yard and look at what beauty is held in the small wonders of nature. I am always amazed at the ability to be wonderfilled by flowers and their colours. Oh well. Here are the first flowers of the year from the back yard. There is a new flower I call olde blue, and you will see it at the end. Enjoy!
This angel was a gift to Cathy over ten years ago. It has been a part of our gardens ever since!
Though the daffodils in the picture are from the American Cancer Society's Daffodil Days, they do add a touch of colour to the garden table!
Snapdragons in full colour!
I really like these flowers. I always have pictures of them!
POPPIES...oh just wait! There will, I hope, be TONS of poppy pictures soon!
the mixing of colours in the flower pots is great!
here is Olde Blue!
and a detail of the flower....
more pictures soon I hope! Enjoy your yard and your flowers, they are gifts given freely to us, and as such should be shared freely! ENJOY!
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